Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Warrior Priest of Love

Entering: Hermann von Sonnengard, the Warrior Priest (The Empire | Warhammer | Games Workshop).

On my second painting workshop ever at Spielbar in Trier we intended to paint a characer model on a high level: way above average table top standard, not yet fully 10* at cmon ;-)
The (new) Citadel Finecast (resin cast) models are very much convenient for highly detailed characters - as long the important parts haven't been misscasted. Finecast is said to have a higher degree in details, but I still haven't compared the same model from GW in white metal and resin.

But this Warrior Priest is phat! He yells right into your face, shows teeth, shows a gaunt face and, well, has two hammers ready for battle. The model is awesome and above all it is cast awesomely.

Main topic has been: True Metallic Metal (TMM, fyi), modern colour selection, focus point face and base creation (the latter I totally skipped thanks to being uncurious).
The TMM part was done really quick. Basecoat it with the most awesome silver colour ever (Silver | Model Air | Vallejo) and add glaze for glaze (self mixed, none of that Citadel Glazes) in those colours that are supposed to be reflected: brown closer to the base, light bluish closer to the sky, light brownish closer to the weapon grip, and so on. That was neado but took hell of time.

Modern colour selection was new to me but I digged it instantly.
You remember when especially Games Workshop painted all its models during the late 80's and the entire 90's in that comiclike bright tones with a lot of neon green, bloody red and ensorcelled blue? Yeah? Forget it, those times have pasted - luckily.
By taking an example from late movies, we tried to add some minor colour shifts into blue, green or grey into all the colours we used. The skin, the leather, the parchment; everything was smoothed, earthy, curbed; realistic so to say. It improved the entire model just by selecting different colours.
Thanks to Vallejo (my personal favorite on colour producers right now) it was done so easily. Pick any colour you want (but don't make it a bright one) and add one of those: Dark Seak Grey or Dark Sea Blue (both Modell Colour | Vallejo) or Tank Brown (Modell Air | Vallejo). Be careful by taking only one single brush tip and you have instant win on your model.

The designer stubble was done by a blue-grey glaze and put the final edge to the model.

I liked it so much, I started to build an army of The Empire only to play this Warrior Priest. Or I just finally had a good starting point in doing so anyway.



Painting time: approx. 10h
Main colours: Silver Air (Modell Air | Vallejo), Dark Sea Blue (Modell Colour | Vallejo), Tallarn Flesh (Foundatin | Citadel), Dark Flesh (Citadel), Ivory (Modell Colour | Vallejo).
Main Techniques: Glazing all over. Black-white primed and afterwards glazes only - as we are told to do and really was worthing the extra mile.

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