mid-January I came to buy the Trollkin War Wagon (Trollbloods | Hordes |
Privateer Press) for a very good price. It would have been an insult to Dhunia
not to take this awesome Battle Engine for such a nice price.
This Battle
Engine is really awesome. For 9 points it has less damage points than a
9-point-warbest, but that’s not the point. It has a SPD7 makes a trample power
attack and shoots its AOE5 POW 16 cannon and inflicts KD on a direct hit. With
Jarl Skuld and a Troll Impaler in his battlegroup the thread range of the
Battle Engine easily improves to 23”! The War Wagon will be exposed unless you
put some another threading unit onto the front battleline. But where’s Jarl,
there is a 12 model unit of Fennblades usually close by.
I will like
it for sure. Less than I love my Mountain King, but that’s another list.
trollkin and every pyg has its own skin colour as well there’s no uniformity in
their uniforms. For my Trollblood-army I took up the idea of the “united kriels”
very literally. Every member of that War Wagon, like every member of any given
unit in my army, came from a different part of Immoren. They are united by
Madrak’s ambitions and their dream of a homeland with fixe borders where home
and hearth can be settled down.
So I took
my favourite colours: yellow-fawn, flat purple, and bright turquois. The skin
is based and has additional two brighter layers. Easily done, looks well to the
For the
metal I take a little less effort but with much more effective results. Any
metal is based with Leadbelcher (Base | Citadel) and gets washed with Reikland
Fleshshade (Shade| Citadel) and after drying another wash of Agrax Earthshade
(Shade | Citadel). After drying I rip a leftover foam from all those blisters
and boxes the models come with and dab rigorously Leadbelcher all over. After
this there comes another wash of Seraphim Sepia (Shade | Citadel) and another
all-over dabbing with a 1:1 mix of Ironbreaker & Runefang Steel (both Layer
| Citadel). This is how I get a look of how long the trollkin are already
struggling for their home.
The rest of
the model will be mostly done in the same procedure, for it is for 90% metal
and wood. The contrasts will be done with the bright crewmen and some war
paintings on the armor plates. Maybe I’ll find a spot for additional colour for
I guess it’ll be a rather dark model at the end. Lemme see…