Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dozer & Smigg | WIP | Step by Step Part 2

In the past few days I spent a lot of 'quality time' with D&S and made good process in painting that unique couple. I went on painting the biggest metal parts by finishing the bombard.

I mixed myself a dark red that looks fairly khadoran to me with Mephiston Red (Citadel), Dryad Bark (Citadel), in a ratio of 3:1 and a single drop of Steel Grey (Vallejo | Game Color). Again I ripped of some foam to get an irregular shape. I stippled that on the bombard and made sure to leave wide patches untouched - especially at the bombard's muzzle.
When I had enough irregular patterns on the bombard I painted most of the gaps since I didn't want to have the paint chipped that heavily as it looked on the first picture. Still, I left the muzzle untouched, indicating heavy bombardements through the years. 

The next step was to paint an additional layer of light red. I used the dark red tone from before and mixed some Ember Orange (P3) into it, in a ratio of 1:1. Also I used pure Matt Black (Warpaints) - the best black paint out there! - to put lines at the edges of the red paint to give an impression of shadows, since there the paint is likely to peel and chip off even further.

Right now only the bare metal of the bombard is showing enough signs of weathering but the red paint does not. So I grabed the still wet pigment mixture I used on the metal parts and mixed in additional Black Pigments (Vallejo) to have it more visuable on the red parts.
 I didn't apply the pigments directly on the rivets and recesses of the bombard, but wiped off most of the pigments from the brush on a paper towel. After the brush was less loaded I put the brush's tip on every single rivet to and painted a single line into every recess.

After drying the pigments created a well used look on the bombard. That's where I left the weapon, concering the metal. The leather straps and the shells will be painted later.

I wanted to paint to the skin as soon as possible but before that I needed to paint the 'gloves' and the bandages, that were wrapped around both arms and feet first. I needed to do this in this sequence because the skin will be a very light color tone. Having the skin all done and do something on an adjacent segment and put than accidentally some color on the skin will be very difficult to get undone. It's über-difficult to reconstruct a very light tone without making it look blotched.

For the basecoat of the gloves I used Gnarls Green (P3), Canvas (Vallejo | Panzer Aces) and Steel Grey, in a ratio of 2:3:1.

When the basecoat has dryed I added again Canvas, in a ratio of 1:1. 

The next layer contained more of 'Jack Bone (P3), in a ratio of 1:1.

For the final highlights I added Dorn Yellow (Citadel) to the last tone, in a ratio of 1:2.

When the last layer has completely dried I made a glaze for shading. I used the last paint for the highlights (counting as 1 for the ratio) and added a single drop of Coal Black (P3), Gnarls Green, Matt Black and Glaze Medium (Vallejo), in a ratio of 1:2:1:3 and a lot more of water.
Since that is a shade I soaked the brush completely and wiped off about 90% on a paper towel before applying it on the model. On the picture you see the results after shading the recess five times. Glazes should be done in several layers to get a better result. Using simply one strong wash and paint it into the recesses and pleats will create something unnatural and comic-book like shade. That's something I don't want to have on D&S, for it would look like hastely done.

Before I started to paint the bandages at the hands and feet, and also the blanket on the right arm, I painted several other parts, but those will be covered later. The bandages and the blanket got a basecoat of a mix of Canvas, Hammerfall Khaki (P3) and Glaze Medium, in a ratio of 3:2:1.

For the first highlight I added 'Jack Bone, making it a ratio of 1:1.

The final highlight is almost pure Screaming Skull (Citadel), making it a ratio of 1:3.

For the shade I added to the last highlight Gun Corps Brown (P3), Bootstrap Leather (P3), Gnarls Green, and Glaze Medium (and a single drop of Coal Black), in a ratio of 1:2:1:2.

On the last picture you can see I already painted the axe on the left arm plates. The wooden axe handle* I painted in a pure basecoat of Gun Corps Brown (P3). With a 1:1 mix of Averland Sunset (Citadel) and Ivory (Vallejo) I painted the wood grain lines. Next step was a wash containing Carroburg Crimson (Citadel) and Lamenters Yellow (Citadel), in a ratio of 1:1. When that wash has dryed I washed the axe handle again with a mix of the former wash and additional Drakenhof Nightshade, making it a ratio of 1:1:1. Thats it.

*For a great tutorial on how to paint wood grain, please have a look at Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries, there it is covered very nicely (a four step tutorial which I used precisely on this axe handle, just switched the recommended paints).

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