Friday, June 13, 2014

Ossyan's Retribution

In 2013 from February till August I was writing my master’s thesis. I was chained either to the computer or an uber-big desk at the library, either reading or writing on a very dry but interesting subject. As an adequate time-out I was interested in painting models so much more and from zero to a thousand I took my interest in the Angry Elves. I got me a Forces Of Retribution book and was hooked on the very first pages.
So I had my project for the spare freetime.

I started with Ravyn, Eternal Light, but as I had my first games on 35 points, I couldn’t handle her well. When I compared my Ravyn-experiences with other warcasters, my eyes always came back to Ossyan, who brings everything I need: Quicken (buff for SPD and DEF), Shatter Storm (3” AOE with POW 8 on Mage Hunter Strike Force is sooo broken!), Admonition (for canceling melee assassinations), Arcantrik Bolt (for making ‘jacks stationary) and his gun with a supersweet control ability. Ossyan’s feat as well is deadly when combined with Mage Hunter Strike Force (f*ck you, enemy ‘jacks!) or Stormfall Archers (POW12+4d6 damage roll is denting everything, and a POW6 blast + 3d6 still hurts most of all infantery) or Discordia’s Psycho Cannon (SP10, POW14, magical attack!). A lot of fun stuff.

Eiryss2 is assisting in harassing enemy solos, getting risk of pesky upkeeps and damage enemy warcasters on Ossyan’s feat turn. 

Discordia, Daemon and Phoenix: verrrrrry powerful myrmidons with a very good combination of damage output both on ranged and melee attacks.

Magisters for movement shenanigans (Smite Attack, Whip Snap, Force Bolt) and contesting control zones. Dahlia Wyshnalyr for free upkeeps and a semi-boost on Ossyan’s Arcantrik Bolt.

Stormfall Archers and Mage Hunter Strike Force are the Bringers of Destruction. It is situational what the Strike Force gets: Shatter Storm or Quicken (depends on what my opponent is putting on the table) but I found Shatter Storm somewhat more useful (must be based on local meta of tightly packed infantry hordes).

My 50 points Ossyan list right now is:
Ossyan              +6
- Discordia         10
- Hypnos            9
- Sylys’ Sister     2
 Mage Hunter Strike Force   8
Commander                         2
2x Stormfall Archers            10
 2x Magister      4
2x Assassin       4
Eiryss 2             3
Artificer            3
Arcanist             1

I am still testing that list and I find it very often missing some melee action. Therefore right now I am considering swapping both Magisters and both Assassins (making 8 points) for a full unit of Mage Hunter Infiltrators and giving Eiryss and upgrade to level 3. But before that more playing!

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