Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Project: Mr XVII

Yesterday I took hold of Lorgar Aurelian, Primarch of the XVII Legion, Word Bearers. 
Also called: the soreheads, Prima Donnas, and the beleidigten Leberwürste

Mr XVII - when amibition hits rejection
When daddy ain’t approve the over-the-top worshipping that was strictly forbidden due to lack of logic, why don’t just betray him and drag his most beloved warmaster-child into despair and heresy? Billy Joel didn’t start the fire, they did!

And now I shall put paint on the Urizen. This model comes in 12 pieces + a 3 piece diorama base. It’s worth £55 and worth about 400 points. That means: a lot on both fields that matter. Once again this is a commission and I shall make this my best Warhammer model yet!

The armor will be started with a bright and warm red. Starting from this the layering will go in both ways, highlighting and shading by wet in wet layering. I learned this recently on a workshop (thanks to Pascal from Trier Spielbar) and I really dig it. The cloak will be a cold blue or gold bluish-grey that contrasts finely with the armor. Lorgar’s head will be painted in a pale complexion with glowing eyes (he’s a psyker-wizard, so he shall have the warp on him). 

Me is now excited for him. On pictures he seems to be a lame model due to non-existing dynamic. But the model radiates both pride and dignity, what makes it a great model. He shall have more pride and dignity once he stands there full of colour and dark ambitions.

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