Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dozer & Smigg | WIP | Step by Step

For my birthday I got the super awesome Model "Dozer & Smigg" (Privateer Pres | Hordes | Trollbloods), because what else as a nice toy can you make for someone who turned 29?
It's a Character Heavy Diretroll that got nice rules for Gunnbjorn and Diretroll Blitzers - which both I do not like to play. But Dozer & Smigg also bring the fun for Diretroll Bombers and the Trollkin War Wagon - both which I love to play! This Model will fit nicely into my Attrition Alpha Strike Ambush list for Jarl, and also I r*e*a*l*l*y want to paint it. 

So here we go, primed and ready.

When painting I do it by a 3-step principle:
1 - Base before everything else;
2 - Imprecise before precise techniques (like drybrushing/stippling before blending);
3 - Inner before outer areas.

For the base I mix a BASEcoat (you can laugh if you like to) consisting of Dryard Bark (Citadel) and a tiny bit of Cold Grey (Vallejo | Game Color). 

For first drybrush step I heavilly add Skrag Brown (Citadel).

For the second step drybrushing it's rather pure Skrag Brown.

Followd by lighty drybrushed 'Jack Bone (P3).

Now it's time to wash the entire Base. A mix of Agrax Earthshade (Citadel), Reikland Fleshshade (Citadel), Glaze Medium (Vallejo) and Water (about 1:1:2:2).

When the base is finished I start with almost everything that is made of iron and metal: armour, bombard, and the likes of it. I take from every step a picture form the front, from top of the gun and the left hand armour.

The basecoat for all metal parts ist Cold Iron (P3) and Coal Black (P3) in a ratio of about 7:1.

Next I need to paint the fixtures, made of gold with a mix of Glorious Gold (Vallejo) and Coal Black, in a ratio of about 5:1.

The first wash needs to be rather dark; therefore I use Coal Black, Agrax Earthshade, Glaze Medium, and water in a ratio of 2:1:2:5.

To the second wash I add much more Agrax Earthshade.

Now comes the fun part. I ripped off a small part of the blister foam and dipped an edge into pure Cold Iron. Just like with drybrushing I put off a lot of the color on a paper towel and stared to dab random areas. Important at this step is to dab in a up-and-down-move and not to pull the foam over the surface, because this would cause undesirable effects.
Since I am very unprecise with this technique a huge part of the gold parts was dabed with metal, but I take care of that later.

After the dabed areas have dried, I apply a wash of Reikland Flesshade, Glaze Medium and Water, in a ratio of 1:2:2.

One more time I dabed all areas, this time with Cold Iron mixed with Silver (Vallejo Air).

Now I need to reconstruct the gold. I paint lightly again all areas that were painted gold before, but I leave some areas still silver.

After this I prepare a wash of Glaze Medium, Reikland Fleshshade, Atonia Camoshade (Citadel), and water, in a ratio of 1:2:1:2 and apply this wash only to the golden areas.

Now for the final weathing effect. I mix black and orange pigments (both Vallejo) with Water and Glaze Medium, in a ratio of 1:1:3:5 and apply it in a very thin coat on all silver areas with special attention to all rivets.

For the gold parts, there is no rust but verdigris. I mixed Nihilac Oxide (Citadel) with Glaze Medium and water, in a ratio of 1:1:2 and put it on all golden rivets. 

Dozer's armour now is having an appearance of being worn in battle for a long time... just exactly what he does. Smigg's helmet got the same treatment, by the way.

The next step is to paint the bombard partly red, to make it easy to intenfiy as looted Khadoran wargear.

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